Resolution of the 2020 training Apprenticeship with Antonio Gandano


Antonio Gandano has been awarded the 2020 Richard H. Driehaus Building Arts Award in the category of finishes and other works of traditional construction.

Each edition of the Richard H. Driehaus Building Arts Awards, the jury selects one of the awardees as a master for this apprenticeship, seeking to contribute to the continuity of their work. In this case, as mentioned, Antonio Gandano has been chosen, granting him additional support, with 14,000 euros, for the training of an apprentice for a period of one year. The apprentice will also receive a 12,000 euros support for his one year training.
After the Building Arts Awards Ceremony, it was time to select an apprentice to assimilate for a year the secrets of the thatch craftmanship, with one of the most recognized masters in huts and thatched roofs, Antonio Gandano.

The coordination team of the Richard H. Driehaus Building Arts Awards, with the guidance and advice of the master thatcher Antonio Gandano, has studied with great interest the 54 applications submitted for the training grant in the tradition of the craft.

Among the many candidates whose interest and motivation made them worthy of this apprenticeship, it has finally been decided to award it to Adrián Vega, from Arcos de la Frontera.

The objective of these Awards is to recover the building arts as they are responsible for the conservation of our Heritage and fundamental for new traditional constructions.

Unfortunately, these professions are on the verge of extinction and that is why the Richard H. Driehaus decided to create these awards to promote the continuity of the work of those masters and transmit it to the new generations, with the help of an annual grant.