Below you can find a selection of news related to traditional building, architecture and urban planning:

– News –

INTBAU Grassroots Grant Program

INTBAU has announced the 2024 Grassroots grantees. £25,000 in seed funding has been awarded to 5 projects:

– “Training Scholarships for Workshops on Documentation and Restoration of Architectural Heritage and Cultural Landscape in the M’hamid and Ich Oases,” submitted by Terrachidia, Morocco.

– “Upskilling and Training Initiatives for Women Masons”, presented by Masons Ink Studio, India.

– “Itinerant Workshop on Traditional Building Techniques”, presented by Boulouki, Greece.

– “Sustainable Building Techniques: A Scholarly Exploration of Historical Practices” presented by the Faculty of Fine Arts and Architecture, Bilim University of Antalya, Turkey.

– “Research project: Load Bearing Walls Made of Alveolated Terracotta Blocks, a Durable Solution for the Future of New Constructions in Belgium” presented by La Table Ronde de l’Architecture, Belgium.

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Homo Faber 2024: The Journey of Life

The new edition of Homo Faber will be held from September 1 to 30 at the Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice, organized by the Michelangelo Foundation.

Numerous exhibitions, demonstrations and conferences will take place throughout the city during the month.

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2024 Hispania Nostra Awards

The winners of the Hispania Nostra Awards have been announced for another year. In this year’s edition, the following projects have been awarded:

– In the 1st Category, Award for intervention in the territory or landscape, the winning project has been “El molino de la Fuente del Corcho: recovery of the industrial, cultural and ethnographic memory (San Miguel de Corneja, Ávila)”.

– In the 2nd Category, Award for heritage conservation as a factor in economic and social development, the winning project has been “Research, documentation, restoration and communication of the facades of the Giralda (Seville)”.

– In the 3rd Category, Award for signage and dissemination for cultural and natural heritage, the winning project has been “INCUNA: an association, 25 years and two books to commemorate it (Gijón, Asturias)”.

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3rd Contest of stonemasons

On June 8 and 9 the 3rd Contest of stonemasons will take place in Áurea Palacio de Sober.

To participate it is only necessary to register before May 30 and send an email to with contact details and a simple sketch of the work to be presented.

Three prizes of 2,000, 1,000 and 500 euros, respectively, will be awarded.

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– Education –

Oasis Campus in Morocco

From July 5 to 14 a new documentation and restoration workshop organized by Terrachidia will take place in the Oasis of Ich and Figuig, Morocco.

During the workshop different techniques of stone and earth work will be learned, as well as how to make horizontal structures with local materials, guided by local masters and apprentices.

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Charpentes. Gothic roofs.

The Centro de Investigación de Arquitectura Tradicional (CIAT) has organized an introductory workshop on French Gothic structural carpentry. The workshop will feature carpenter Damián Pinardi, who has participated in the reconstruction of the roof structure of the cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris; Javier de Mingo, an architect and expert in Mudejar carpentry; and Nuria González, a restorer. The course will be eminently hands-on, with some theoretical sessions.

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Building an Arab Pigeon Tower II

From September 1 to 7, the workshop “Building an Arab Pigeon Tower II ” will take place at Domaine de Boisbuchet, France. During the workshop, a traditional pigeon tower will be built following examples from Siwa, a salt lake district in the western part of Egypt, bordering Libya.

During the course participants will work with clay, bricks, wooden beams and the know-how of Siwani craftsmen, who through generations continue this tradition of vernacular architecture.

Founded in 1986, Domaine de Boisbuchet is an international center for research in design and architecture, which has been organizing annual workshops for more than thirty years. The campus, in the southwest of France, is surrounded by 150 hectares of protected nature and consists of an architectural park with a large number of both historic and contemporary buildings.

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Inlaid scagliola

The scagliola master Óscar Urruela will deliver a course on inlaid scagliola in Burgos on May 25 and 26, 2024. During the course, a geometric Mudejar inlay will be made.

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Moldes, terrajas y labrado del yeso

The course “Moldes, terrajas y labrado del yeso”, organized by Homo Faber, will be delivered by the Portuguese master Marco Aurélio Ferrerira Santos from May 20 to 24, 2024 in Mansilla de las Mulas, León.

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The King’s Foundation School of Traditional Arts

During the next few months The King’s Foundation School of Traditional Arts will organize several courses on traditional artistic and building techniques.

You can find the complete program of courses, both on-line and in-person, through the following link.

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Advanced Master Course in Structural Analysis of Existing Buildings, Monuments and Historical Constructions

The deadline to apply for the Advanced Master Course in Structural Analysis of Existing Buildings, Monuments and Historical Constructions is open until May 20, 2024.

This Master is organized by a group of leading European universities and research institutions in this field, composed of the University of Minho (coordinating institution, Portugal), the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (Spain), the Czech Polytechnic University of Prague (Czech Republic), the University of Padua (Italy) and the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic).

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– Conferences, seminars and lectures –

Building History Conference

The proceedings of the Thirteenth National Conference and Fifth International Hispano-American Conference on the History of Building have been published.

The Conference took place in Santo Domingo, in the Dominican Republic, between March 20 and 23, 2024.

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Conference on Post-Disaster Reconstruction: The Presence of Past Disasters

On May 20-21, 2024, the Conference on Post-Disaster Reconstruction: The Presence of Past Disasters will take place in Cambridge, UK, organized by INTBAU and CSCA with the generous support of the Ax:son Johnson Foundation.

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Lecture ” Puesta en Valor de la Vivienda Excavada: el caso de la comarca de Huéscar”

The UNESCO Chair “Earthen architecture, construction cultures and sustainable development” has organized a new lecture entitled “Puesta en Valor de la Vivienda Excavada: el caso de la comarca de Huéscar”, delivered by Guillermo Vázquez Guillamet and Guillermo Vázquez Mata (GVG Estructuras Artesanas GVG).

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