Below you can find a selection of news related to traditional building, architecture and urban planning:

– News –

Last days to visit the exhibition ” Living Heritage: Traditional construction in the 21st century”

The exhibition ” Living Heritage” can be visited at the Museum of Santa Cruz in Toledo until September 24.

Guided tours of the exhibition are also offered every Thursday at 4:30 pm and every Friday at 12:00 pm.

Registrations for the guided tours can be made through the following email:

International Convention on Traditional Architecture and Urbanism

Organized by the Caravane Earth Foundation and INTBAU Qatar, this event will take place in Qatar from November 25 to 27, 2023. The convention will bring together leading international experts and practitioners, as well as representatives of various public administrations, to address the challenges and opportunities offered by traditional architecture, building trades and urbanism.

The convention can be followed both in person and online.

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INTBAU has launched the “Grassroots” program

In the first edition of the “Grassroots” program, five small grants of up to £5,000 will be awarded. New proposals or existing programs that support, promote or adapt building traditions from around the world are being sought.

The deadline for applications is Friday, November 17, 2023.

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The Spanish Network of Traditional Building Masters has been included on the website of the Green Book for the Sustainable Management of Cultural Heritage

This project is part of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union and is organized by the Ministry of Culture and Sport. The Traditional Building Masters Network is one of the projects selected as an example of good practice in the sustainable management of cultural heritage.

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2023 INTBAU Summer Schools

During the months of July and August different INTBAU chapters have organized up to four summer schools on traditional construction, architecture and urbanism.

Participants and faculty from all five continents have participated in these summer schools. On the INTBAU website you can find a summary and a large number of images of each of these four programs, including the Barcelona Summer School, organized by INTBAU Spain and the Rafael Manzano Prize.

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Philippe Rotthier European Prize of Architecture

The call for entries for the new edition of the Philippe Rotthier European Prize of Architecture is open until April 30, 2024. The prize will distribute up to 40,000 euros in awards.

Projects that make maximum possible use of local materials as well as traditional construction methods and techniques are sought. They should also be sensitive to local architecture and be well integrated into their built and natural environments.

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Inauguration in Brussels of the Exhibition “Re-cognizing Spanish Heritage in Europe”

Hispania Nostra has organized this exhibition, in which the European Heritage Awards / Europa Nostra Awards co-financed by the Creative Europe program of the European Union will be displayed.

The exhibition will take place from September 12 to October 30, 2023 at the Library of Linguistics – Lex Building in Brussels.

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“The Swedish movement that seeks to restore the beauty of traditionalism to architecture”

Don’t miss this interesting article published by El Debate in which Michael Diamant, founder of Architectural Uprising, talks about the value of traditional architecture and how it is increasingly demanded by citizens.

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– Education –

Plaster and trabadillos workshop: formulating mortars for coatings

This workshop, organized by Cobijo Natural, will be delivered from October 6 to 8, 2023 by the master painter and scagliola artist Luis Prieto, member of INTBAU Spain, of the Spanish Network of Traditional Building Crafts Masters and winner of the Richard H. Driehaus Building Arts Award in 2019.

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Theoretical and hands-on course on traditional cobblestones

This course, organized by Homo Faber, will take place in Mansilla de las Mulas, León, between September 25 and 29. It will be delivered by Amara Carvajal, a specialist in pebble cobblestones.

Homo Faber offers through its website a complete program of courses in different trades of traditional building.

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The last of Poio: the Xunta assumes the management of the only school of stonemasons in the world

“The Xunta de Galicia takes over this activity to keep alive this old craft, with a growing demand, and adapt it to the needs of the 21st century”.

You can read the full article, published in El Confidencial, through this link.

Building Beauty program begins again in September

Building Beauty is a year-long program on architecture and construction that continues the legacy of Christopher Alexander. The fall course is taught online and the spring course is taught in Sorrento, Italy. The program is open to people of all ages, nationalities and career paths who are motivated by the desire to create beauty in their built environment. 

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– Conferences, seminars and lectures –

Convents: current situation and proposals for the future

The Consortium of the City of Toledo and the Episcopal Vicariate for Consecrated Life of the Archbishopric of Toledo are promoting the International Conference “Convents: current situation and proposals for the future”, organized by the Consortium, the University of Castilla-La Mancha and the University of Rome La Sapienza.

The Conference will take place on November 8, 9 and 10, 2023, with the participation of experts from different disciplines along with those religious communities that keep the conventual spaces alive. The aim is to analyze convent heritage in the 21st century and to address possible proposals for the future with a transdisciplinary approach.

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“Sustainable Cities of Tomorrow” conference

On February 22, 2024, the “Sustainable Cities of Tomorrow” conference, organized by the Open University of Israel, will address issues related to the role of cities in achieving a more sustainable built future.

The deadline for submission of abstracts for the conference is October 15, 2023.

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Lecture “Cupole per abitare”

The UNESCO Chair “Earthen architecture, construction cultures and sustainable development” has organized a new lecture, which took place on Monday, September 18 in the Aula de Proyecciones of the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura of the Universitat Politècnica de València.

The title of the lecture is “Cupole per abitare: materiali e tecnologie adattive. Fabrizio Caròla. Opere e progetti / Domes for living: adaptable materials and technologies. Fabrizio Caròla. Works and projects” and will be delivered by Luigi Alini, teacher at the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture of the Università degli Studi di Catania (Italy).

The lecture will be available soon on the initiative’s YouTube channel.