Below you can find a selection of news related to traditional building, architecture and urbanism:
Presentation of the 2019 Hispania Nostra Award to the Spanish Network of Traditional Building Crafts Masters

Her Majesty Queen Sofia, Honorary President of Hispania Nostra, presided over, at the Sephardic Museum of Toledo, the award ceremony of the “European Heritage Awards / Europa Nostra Awards” and the “Hispania Nostra Awards for Best Practices in Cultural and Natural Heritage”, which are granted to recognise and promote best practices related to cultural and natural heritage.

The Spanish Network of Traditional Building Crafts Masters, organised by INTBAU with the collaboration of the IPCE and the Rafael Manzano Prize, was recognised with the 2019 Hispania Nostra Award in the category of “Heritage Conservation as a Factor for Economic and Social Development” and with a Special Mention from the Jury of the Europa Nostra Awards in the same year.

Training Scholarships with Abdel-Wahed El-Wakil

The Caravane Earth Foundation, host of the new INTBAU Qatar chapter, offers this opportunity for architects who wish to broaden their knowledge of traditional architecture. Two scholarships are offered for internships with the renowned architect Abdel-Wahed El-Wakil.

The deadline for applications is June 15.

More information can be found through this link.

2022 Hispania Nostra Awards

The winners of the 2022 Hispania Nostra Awards for best practices in the conservation of Cultural and Natural Heritage, jointly awarded by the Hispania Nostra Association and the Banco Santander Foundation, have been announced.

You can discover the winning projects through this link.

Presentation of the project “España Artesana”

This project, developed by Asociación Contemporánea de Artes y Oficios, has recently been presented in collaboration with the Spanish Ministry of Culture and Sport.

It is a digital guide which features many of the most talented Spanish craftspeople. For each of them, a description of their work and a series of images can be consulted, as well as their contact details.

You can find all the information at the following link.

Hispania Nostra’s Red List new web design

The Red List is an initiative of Hispania Nostra Association born in November 2007 with the aim of publicising and protecting the Spanish cultural and natural heritage that is abandoned or in danger of disappearing.

This list – which includes nearly 1,100 Spanish monuments that are at risk of disappearance, destruction or substantial degradation of their values – now has a new design that makes navigation easier and presents the information in a more accessible way.

The criteria for inclusion on the Red List are based on the historical and architectural importance of the heritage element concerned.

You can find more information through this link.

Exhibition “Esparto grass, a source of work and life”

From May 20 until the end of July, the temporary exhibition “Esparto grass, a source of work and life” is open at the Museum Comarcal Velezano Miguel Guirao, in Vélez-Rubio.

Esparto grass forms an inseparable part of the landscape of Almería. It has been widely used, mainly in agricultural work and in households. Its substitution from the 1950s onwards by other materials caused it to fall into disuse. This exhibition covers, among other aspects, the historical background, harvesting, production and commercialisation, agricultural, pastoral, domestic and industrial applications, and its use in craftsmanship.

You can find more information through this link.

Counter-proposals for the Schuman roundabout in Brussels

In February 2022, the Belgian association La Table Ronde de l’Architecture (TRA) launched a call for projects for the Schuman roundabout. The counter-proposals have already been published.

As a counterproposal to the original project submitted, which is currently under study and which is linked to the phenomenon of the city’s Brusselsisation and urban decay, the TRA invited its students and members to propose alternatives to defend a coherent and harmonious architecture. Six proposals emerged, all inspired by the rich architectural history of Brussels.

More information can be found here.

Master ceramist Cecilio Morales Moreno passes away

Cecilio Morales Moreno, director of the factory Fajalauza, recently passed away at the age of 100. Cecilio has dedicated his whole life to the care of his workshop and business. He was undoubtedly one of the most prestigious and respected ceramists in Spain.

We would like to acknowledge his figure and send a warm greeting to all those who have had the opportunity to deal with him during his very long career, and especially to his family and close friends.