Buitrago del Lozoya, Valpuesta and Zubiri have been selected in the first phase of the 2020-2022 edition of the Richard H. Driehaus Architecture Competition.

Buitrago del Lozoya

The initiative submitted by the City of Buitrago del Lozoya, in Madrid, proposes the reconstruction and recovery of a full block of its historic center, currently derelict. The area is composed by a number of buildings located between the castle and the church of Santa María del Castillo, flanked in turn by one of the better preserved sections of the city wall. These buildings will be transformed into municipally-owned tourist accommodations.


The city of Valpuesta is part of the municipality of Berberana and is located in the Valdegovía valley, between Álava and Burgos. The proposal includes the recovery of a group of buildings located in the main public space of the town, between the Torre de los Velasco and the collegiate church of Santa María de Valpuesta. The latter is especially relevant, because some of the earliest evidences of the Spanish language were found there. For this reason, the restored ensemble will be transformed into a center for the study on the origins of Spanish.


Zubiri is a municipality located in the Esteríbar valley, the proposal is especially attractive due to the privileged location of the building to be restored, a stone building, currently abandoned, next to the Camino de Santiago (Way of St. James) coming down from Roncesvalles, and in the vicinity of the bridge that gives its name to the town. This building had different uses through history, such a guesthouse, or a school; the proposals seeks to restore and extend it to convert it into a cultural center.

In September 2021, the second phase of this competition will begin, in which architects from all over the world will be able to submit their design proposals for one or more of these locations. Once the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda has published the call for proposals, detailed documentation for each of the three selected sites, as well as the registration and submission platform, will be available on our website.