New Vernacular Architecture International Seminar 2019 ResultsCoinciding with the Award Ceremony of the Rafael Manzano Prize for New Traditional Architecture 2019, as in previous editions, an International Seminar was held, on this occasion under the title New...
News on International Seminars and Conferences (Premio Rafael Manzano)
The Reconstruction of Cultural Heritage International Seminar 2018
The Reconstruction of Cultural Heritage International Seminar 2018 ResultsEn él se presentaron una amplia diversidad de proyectos, reflexiones, iniciativas y programas en torno a la reconstrucción de conjuntos urbanos, edificios o partes de edificios como una...
Architecture and Place Making International Seminar 2017
Architecture and Place Making International Seminar 2017 ResultsEn él se presentaron una amplia diversidad de proyectos, reflexiones, iniciativas y programas en torno a la construcción, la arquitectura y el urbanismo tradicionales como herramientas para crear o...
Architecture and Traditional Building Crafts International Seminar 2016
Architecture and Traditional Building Crafts International Seminar 2016 ResultsDuring it were presented a wide variety of proposals, reflections, initiatives and programmes that have developed or are developed around the architecture and traditional building trades...
Architecture and Humanism International Seminar 2015
Architecture and Humanism International Seminar 2015 ResultsA wide variety of proposals were presented that revolved around the social role of architecture, approached from different perspectives: from its responsibility when it comes to strengthening the identity of...
Architecture and Local Identity International Seminar 2014
Architecture and Local Identity International Seminar 2014 ResultsThe Architecture and Local Identity International Seminar was organized by the Rafael Manzano Prize for New Traditional Architecture and the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid School of Architecture,...
The Architecture in the Age of Austerity Seminar 2013
The Architecture in the Age of Austerity Seminar 2013 ResultsA wide variety of proposals were presented that, using traditional construction, architecture and urbanism as a reference, seek to improve the contemporary practice in these fields, making it more...
I Conference of the Rafael Mazano Prize 2012
I Conference of the Rafael Mazano Prize 2012 ResultsCoinciding with the award ceremony of the Rafael Manzano Prize 2012 to Leopoldo Gil Cornet, the first Conference of this Prize was celebrated at the School of Architecture of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid...