The winning architects of this edition have been: Javier Senosiain Jauregui for Buitrago del Lozoya; Susana Granizo Polo and Silvia N. Gómez Díaz for Valpuesta and Francisco Sánchez Salazar, Miguel Antonio García and Jesús Llanos Jiménez for Zubiri. In addition, several honorable mentions have been awarded for each of the locations.
Buitrago del Lozoya
From the proposal, the jury highlighted the general urban development, the quality of the new public spaces to be created and the design of the new proposed volumes, along with a meticulous distribution and composition of interior spaces and the continuation and updating of local traditional building systems.

From the proposal, the jury highlighted the treatment of the public spaces and the linkage between the project site and the neighbouring streets and plazas, along with the quality and distribution of interior spaces and the well-suited and integrated solution for increasing headroom in the top floor.

From the proposal, the jury highlighted the proposed preservation and adaptation of the building’s existing elements and systems, along with the distribution and utilisation of the interior space, and a concern to maintain, highlight and recover the character of the interiors as well as the exterior elevations.