As a result of the different activities and collaborations, INTBAU has participated in several publications:
Journal of Traditional Building, Architecture and Urbanism
It’s an annual journal published by the Traditional Building Cultures Foundation and aimed at all individuals and institutions interested in traditional building, architecture and urbanism. Its articles are intended to disseminate both the theory and the practice of these disciplines.
The contents are available for free download on the journal’s website (by clicking on the image or on the year of each issue).
Publications with other publishers
The following publications have been created in collaboration with different publishers and are for sale through their distribution channels
New Traditional Architecture
These publications annually gather the results of the Richard H. Driehaus Architecture Competition and the Richard H. Driehaus Building Arts Awards. Both are organized by the Traditional Building Cultures Foundation and INTBAU, in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture and Sports and the Council of Architecture Institutes of Spain.
Booklets of the International Seminars of the Rafael Manzano Prize
These Seminars are organized by the Traditional Building Cultures Foundation and INTBAU in collaboration with various institutions, such as the School of Architecture of the University of Notre Dame and the School of Architecture of the Polytechnic University of Madrid, and have also counted on the collaboration of Kalam, the Alfonso X el Sabio University, the Escola Superior Gallaecia, the Fundação Serra Henriques, the Centro de Investigación de Arquitectura Tradicional (CIAT) and other entities.
Publications of Masters
In this set of documents in digital format, the different building crafts, associated to the different materials of traditional architecture – from its very extraction to its placing on site – have been gathered together. These publications were made within the framework of the National Network of Traditional Building Masters project, organized by INTBAU with the collaboration of the Institute of Cultural Heritage of Spain (IPCE) and the Rafael Manzano Prize. It is a national directory of best practices in the fields of traditional construction and restoration. It intends to gather all individuals and companies developing an outstanding work in the various traditional building crafts, looking for those who excel in each region at preserving and maintaining them.