We share several courses and workshops related to traditional building techniques that will take place during the coming months.
Workshops at the Instituto Andaluz de Patrimonio Histórico

The Instituto Andaluz de Patrimonio Histórico has published a program of courses and workshops for the year 2021, among which workshops on trimbel vaults by Manuel Gil, structural carpentry by Loris Carboni, rammed earth walls by Fermin Font and traditional stucco by Luis Prieto, among others, are offered.
Workshop at the Museo de la Cal de Morón

Workshop on marble stucco
The Museo de la Cal de Morón organizes on March 6th and 7th a practical-theoretical workshop on marble stucco with natural gypsum, which will be delivered by the stucco master and painter Luis Prieto. In this course, gypsum will be first presented as a building material, its different varieties of finishes and techniques will be studied, and small samples will be carried out. Each participant will individually make a piece of stucco-marble.
The Prince’s Foundation. London.
La Prince’s Foundation School of Traditional Arts organiza numerosos cursos sobre técnicas tradicionales de construcción

Traditional Arts Courses at Prince’s Foundation School of Arts
This spring, Prince’s Foundation School of Arts is offering a programme which is open to the public of any skill level and experience. Lectures, practical workshops and short courses on traditional arts and crafts will be delivered virtually.
For example, in the Inspired by the Alhambra: Divine Unity and the Order of Nature course, the transcendent beauty of the Alhambra and its gardens, engaging with its proportions and patterns, as well as its symbolism, geometry, biomorphic designs and calligraphy, will be studied for a week.
Building Crafts Programme
Todos aquellos interesados en inscribirse en la formación en oficios tradicionales de la construcción que ofrece la Prince’s Foundation pueden solicitar su plaza hasta el 22 de marzo. Este programa formativo dará comienzo el próximo mes de julio y para acceder se debe acreditar experiencia previa en alguno de los oficios de la construcción.