– News –

Timeless Architecture has been selected for the 16th Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism
Timeless Architecture, the catalog published by INTBAU Spain, CentroCentro and Ediciones Asimétricas which gathers and expands the contents of the homonymous exhibition, has been one of the works selected in the research and dissemination category of the 16th Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism.

The Hispania Nostra Awards for best practices in the conservation of cultural and natural heritage have been granted
The winners of the new edition of the Hispania Nostra Awards have been announced. The winning projects in each of the three categories are as follows:
– Award to the geode of Pulpí (Pulpí, Almería) in the first category, for projects intervening in the territory or in the landscape.
– Award for the maintenance and recovery of the heritage of Valderrobres (Valderrobres, Teruel) in the second category, for heritage conservation projects as a factor of economic and social development.
– Award for the cultural project “Legado Vivo” (Valle de Ricote, Murcia) in the third category, for projects of signaling and dissemination of cultural and natural heritage.

European Prize of Architecture Philippe Rotthier
A new edition of the prestigious European Prize of Architecture Philippe Rotthier has been announced, organized on this occasion in collaboration with La Table Ronde de l’Architecture.
The European Prize of Architecture Philippe Rotthier rewards projects completed in the last five years which promote architecture built in harmony with its environment and which values local identity, history and craftsmanship through the use of natural materials and long-lasting building techniques.
The deadline for submissions is April 30, 2024.

Awards “Crafts: Heritage, Business and Society”
The Albayzín Center, National Reference Center for Crafts (CRN), and the Chair of Innovation and Social Outreach of the University of Granada, have announced the Awards “Crafts: Heritage, Business and Society” with the aim of promoting research related to crafts in all fields.
Under the motto “Investiga en Artesanía” these awards are aimed at student researchers who have been interested in crafts in the development of their final degree (TFG) or master’s degree (TFM), evaluated between January 2020 and the closing date of this call.
The subject areas that are contemplated are:
– Crafts and Heritage.
– Crafts and Business Economics.
– Crafts and social intervention.

Rehabilitando El Cabanyal has been published
The book Rehabilitando el Cabanyal. Un recorrido arquitectónico por el barrio de El Cabanyal, El Canyamelar y El Cap de França, by Fernando Vegas and Camilla Mileto, has been published by the Ajuntament de València. You can obtain more information about the publication and download it in PDF through the following link.

Presentation of the book Los laberintos del aire
On June 19 at 19:00 the presentation of the book Los laberintos de aire, by Eduardo Prieto and published by Ediciones Asimétricas, will take place in the auditorium on the second floor at the Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid.
The book is an exciting and complex narration on the relationship between nature and architecture through the winds, air and miasmas, and it sheds new light on a period that is no less complex and exciting: the Renaissance.

Master stonemason Martín Mendieta Pérez has passed away
Martín Mendieta Pérez was a master stonemason from Molina de Aragón, in the province of Guadalajara. He had been a member of the Spanish Network of Traditional Building Crafts Masters for several years. We would like to send our condolences to his family and friends.
– Education –

Oasis Campus, a new workshop organized by Terrachidia in Morocco
From July 14 to 22, 2023 will take place “Oasis Campus”, a workshop of documentation and restoration of the cultural landscape organized by Terrachidia. This new edition will be held in the Oasis of Ich and Figuig, both in Morocco.
The “Oasis Campus” workshops are part of the Terrachidia ONGD project, dedicated to the local development of small communities through the enhancement of their architectural and cultural heritage.

Course “Universos de madera. Carpinterías de armar: entre Zamora y León”
This course, organized by the UNED in Ponferrada with the collaboration of the UNED in Zamora, will take place on June 21, 22 and 23, 2023.
It will be delivered by some of the leading specialists in Mudejar carpentry, such as Enrique Nuere, Javier de Mingo, Ángel María Martín, Ricardo Cambas or Agustín Castellanos, all of them members of INTBAU Spain.

Workshop on vaults made of bricks
From July 10 to 12 will take place the workshop on brick vaults with the master Andrés Flores (module 1) and from July 10 to 15 will take place the workshop on groin vaults from Extremadura with the master Maxi Portal (module 2). The workshops will be held at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.

Course-workshop. Rammed earth architecture: traditional building technique and its restoration
The seventh edition of this course, organized by the Museo de la Cal de Morón and the Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico, and delivered by Fermin Font, will take place on October 2, 3 and 4, 2023 at the facilities of the IAPH.

Course on Mudejar carpentry
A course on Mudejar carpentry: “Introduction to the design and construction of lacery domes” will be held from July 11 to 14, 2023 at the Escuela de Carpintería de lo Blanco de Narros del Castillo, in Ávila. The course will be delivered by the master carpenter Ángel María Martín López.
For more information and to register, you may call 630144044.
– Conferences, seminars and lectures –

6th International Symposium of Archaeology at the IAM
On February 21, 22, 23 and 24, 2024 the 6th International Symposium of Archaeology of the Archaeological Institute of Merida will take place in Guareña, Extremadura.
The main subject of the symposium will be earthen architecture in the ancient Mediterranean. The deadline for the submission of abstracts is September 30, 2023.
Abstracts should be sent to the following e-mail address: secretaria.arar@gmail.com

Earth architecture circularity is the new gravity
The UNESCO Chair “Earthen architecture, construction cultures and sustainable development” has published a new lecture entitled “Earth architecture circularity is the new gravity”, which was delivered by Marwa Dabaieh.