Below you can find a selection of news related to traditional building, architecture and urban planning:
– News –

Peter Pennoyer has been awarded the Richard H. Driehaus Prize 2024
American architect Peter Pennoyer has received the Richard H. Driehaus Prize, the most prestigious international award in the fields of classical and traditional architecture. The prize is organized by the University of Notre Dame.
“Pennoyer’s visionary work illustrates how classical architecture can provide an inexhaustible source of inspiration. His work demonstrates his ability to design beautiful and enduring buildings with an elegance that moves the spirit of all who behold them”.

Discussion on traditional architecture and urban planning summer schools
Next Thursday, February 15, 2024, a discussion organized by TAG and INTBAU UK will take place at 19:00 to present some of the most outstanding summer programs organized by the various INTBAU chapters and other institutions with which the network regularly collaborates.
Among the programs that will be presented is the Iberian Summer School, organized by the Traditional Building Cultures Foundation with the collaboration of INTBAU Spain and INTBAU Portugal, which will take place this year in Arcos de Valdevez, Portugal.

Call for the Homo Faber Fellowship Program
The call for applications for the Homo Faber Fellowship program, organized by the Michelangelo Foundation, is open until March 8. Duos of master craftspeople and young apprentices can apply.
Homo Faber Fellowship is a 7-month professional training program designed for duos of master craftspeople and young craft graduates. The second edition will take place from September 2024 to March 2025 in collaboration with local members of the Foundation’s network.
– Education –

Architecture and Crafts Summer Schools in Bruges and Alsace
La Table Ronde de l’Architecture has organized two summer schools in 2024. The first one, the “Bruges Architecture and Crafts Summer School” will take place from July 20 to August 25, 2024 in Bruges. The second one will take place in Alsace just before, from July 1 to 15, 2024, and has been organized in collaboration with INTBAU France, INTBAU Belgium and INTBAU Germany.
The call for applications is open for both summer schools.

Summer School on Traditional Architecture and Urbanism in Mexico
This summer school, organized by INTBAU Mexico, will take place from June 24 to July 7, 2024 in Izamal, Yucatan. The program is composed of various field exercises, visits and lectures, and will conclude with a traditional urban design project where students will work together.
The deadline for applications is May 1, 2024.

Sustainable Garden Design inspired by Islamic Architecture
The first edition of the postgraduate course “Sustainable Garden Design inspired by Islamic Heritage” will start on February 23, 2024.
The course has been organized by the School of Agriculture of the University of Lisbon (ISA-UL) in collaboration with the Educational Program of the Aga Khan Trust for Culture and will count with the participation of Attilio Petruccioli.

Architectural Drawing Workshop
Prince’s Trust Australia, INTBAU Australia and the University of Queensland have organized a one-day workshop, delivered by Alexander Dowthwaite, which aims to introduce students to the art of architectural drawing.
The course will take place on Thursday, February 29.

Masonry course
Escola Orígens has organized a hands-on masonry course that will take place over 15 days between February 29 and June 13, 2024. The course will have a total duration of 120 hours and will cover a large number of traditional building techniques typical of the masonry trade.

Scagliola furniture workshop
This workshop, organized by the Escuela Taller Cobijo Natural, will be delivered by master painter and scagliola artist Óscar Urruela from March 1 to 3, 2024 in Alberite, La Rioja.

Hands-on workshop on adobe making and building
This hands-on workshop, organized by the Museo de la Cal de Morón, will take place on April 5, 6 and 7, 2024 in Amayuelas de Abajo (Palencia). It will be delivered by Jon Santibáñez, a master in earthworking techniques.

Classical Architecture: A Design Workshop
The course “Classical Architecture: A Design Workshop” organized by the University of Oxford and delivered by architect Robert Adam will take place between April 22 and July 8, 2024, with one hour session each week.
“Students will learn about the history and variety of classical architecture through the ages. They will study how it is based on ancient principles that have evolved over the centuries to the present day. The course will include an expert-led tour of the city of Oxford to show how classical principles have been used in its design.”

Course-workshop on thatched roofs and traditional techniques in the historical heritage
This course-workshop, delivered by the master thatcher Antonio Gandano, will take place from March 11 to 15, 2024 in Seville. The course is organized in collaboration with the Asociación Cultural Hornos de la Cal de Morón.

“Na Eira” Building course of “canastro de varas”
This course will take place on Saturday, February 17, 2024 in Ponte da Barca, Portugal.
More information: Gabriel Souto (966 522 862) and Patricia Reis (913 280 739)
– Conferences, seminars and lectures –

The International Convention on Traditional Architecture and Urbanism
The International Convention on Traditional Architecture and Urbanism, organized by the Caravane Earth Foundation and INTBAU Qatar, will take place in Qatar from December 4 to 6, 2024.
The meeting will bring together some of the leading experts and professionals in the fields of traditional architecture, as well as policy makers from around the world, to explore new approaches and develop strategies to promote traditional architecture, urbanism and craftsmanship.

16th International Symposium on Mudejarism
The Mudejar Studies Center of the Instituto de Estudios Turolenses has announced the 16th International Symposium on Mudejarism, which will take place in Teruel between October 17 and 19, 2024.
The proposed theme for this call is: “Mudejar and Moorish Landscapes. Territories and identities”.

The Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando hosts a seminar organized within the framework of the ATARAL Project
The seminar on Almohad architecture, which will take place on February 13 and 14, 2024, has been organized as part of the research project entitled Atlas de Arquitectura Almohade, whose objective has been to create a repertoire of graphic, planimetric and photographic documentation that will facilitate future research on this architecture, as well as its dissemination and conservation.
Admission is free until full capacity is reached.

Lecture “Bhutanese Earthen Architecture”
The UNESCO Chair “Earthen architecture, construction cultures and sustainable development” has organized a new lecture entitled “Bhutanese Earthen Architecture”, delivered by Pema and Junzang Tenzin.