The Rafael Manzano Prize for New Traditional Architecture is intended to disseminate the value of traditional architecture as a benchmark for the architecture of our time. Since 2012 it has served to recognise careers that have been outstanding in this field in Spain and Portugal, contributing especially to the continuation of traditional architecture, both in the restoration of architectural and urban heritage and in the building of new work which, based on local tradition, is able to blend harmoniously into such ensembles. The Rafael Manzano Prize is funded with 50,000 euros, awarded with a commemorative medal.

Candidates must submit the following documentation by April 25, 2024:
• Professional CV of a maximum of 250 words in English and in Spanish or Portuguese.
• One-page text, in English and Spanish or Portuguese, summarizing the reasons why the candidate’s work should be considered for the prize.
• Up to ten images, in digital format (jpg or tiff, 300 dpi) of each of the projects submitted, with a limit of five projects per candidate. These images shall include photographs, plans and drawings of the submitted projects. Each of the works submitted may be accompanied by a brief description of no more than 250 words in English and in Spanish or Portuguese.