Below you can find a selection of news related to traditional building, architecture and urban planning:

– News –

Results of the 2024 Iberian Summer School

The Iberian Summer School took place from July 8th to 21st, 2024, in Arcos de Valdevez, in northern Portugal. The school was organized by the Traditional Building Cultures Foundation in collaboration with INTBAU Portugal and INTBAU Spain.

The program focused on studying the traditional urbanism, architecture, and construction details of the region, primarily through hand drawing. The goal was to familiarize participants with the character and qualities of the region’s architecture. Experts in local vernacular architecture, landscape, and construction techniques delivered lectures and led various workshops on related topics. During the first week, several trips were organized throughout the region, allowing participants to study and draw the local architecture in different locations. In the second week, building on the work done previously, the students worked in groups to develop an urban design proposal for Peneda. The process also involved local residents to ensure the proposal was adapted to their needs.

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2024 Donald Gray Construction Arts Grants 

These grants, organized by the Traditional Building Cultures Foundation, are aimed at training an apprentice for a period of six months. There are two independent grants available:

  • Training grant with master mason and brick carver Sebastián Pérez Gómez.
  • Training grant with master carpenter Max Rutgers.

The two recipients will receive financial support for a period of six months (or the equivalent if the training is conducted intermittently), starting from the beginning of the mentorship and training process, with the start date mutually agreed upon with the master. This financial support will amount to a total of €6,000, with the total or partial disbursement contingent on meeting the training objectives set at the beginning of the scholarship.

Additionally, the master will also receive financial support for the development of their teaching role, as well as to cover any associated expenses that may arise.

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Philippe Rotthier Prize

The winners of the latest edition of the Philippe Rotthier Prize, organized by La Table Ronde de l’Architecture, have recently been announced.

The Grand Prize Philippe Rotthier was awarded to the project “Școala de la Bunești” by Ana Maria Goilav and Petre Guran in Romania, while the Philippe Rotthier Prize for Crafts went to the project “De Wilde De Schepper” by Dirk Mortier in Belgium.

You can find all the awarded mentions, as well as the projects nominated by the competition jury, at the following link.

“Architecture Schools Are Broken – But A Renaissance Is On Its Way”

The Aesthetic City has published a video on its YouTube channel titled “Architecture Schools Are Broken – But A Renaissance Is On Its Way.”

This report provides an intriguing overview of architectural education in schools worldwide, highlighting the growing opportunities to study traditional and classical architecture.

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Counterproposals for the Renovation of the Facade of Gran Vía 19, Madrid

This competition for counterproposals, organized by Motín Arquitectónico, aims to spark a debate on the role of architecture in public spaces.

The deadline for submitting design proposals is August 31, 2024.

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International Festival “Architectura PICTA”

The International Festival “Architectura PICTA,” organized by INTBAU Italy, will take place in Rome from October 11 to 13, 2024.

Former students of INTBAU summer schools, including the Iberian Summer School, can benefit from special conditions with a reduced price of €250.

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Great Estival Celebration

On August 17 the closing event of the Bruges Summer School took place in the city of Bruges. The city opened the doors of its emblematic beguinage to welcome students and members of the school, as well as INTBAU chapters and members from around the world.

This event, organized by La Table Ronde de l’Architecture, also served as a platform to present the Iberian Summer School, which has been organized by the Fundación Culturas Constructivas Tradicionales in collaboration with INTBAU Spain and INTBAU Portugal since 2014. The Iberian Summer School was represented on this occasion by Duarte Gorjão, a former participant.

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Exhibition “Light, Colour & the Cosmology of Pigment”

The exhibition will take place from August 12 to 30, 2024, at The Garrison Chapel, London. Organized by The King’s Foundation School of Traditional Arts, it showcases how various pigments have been studied in the work of the school’s tutors, students, and alumni worldwide.

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– Education –

Course “Artisanal Plaster and Lime: Their Uses in Historic Heritage and Ancient Buildings”

The course, which will take place at the School of Historical Heritage of Nájera from October 7 to 11, 2024, is aimed at a wide range of construction professionals: painters, decorators, site managers, and masons; architects, restorers, archaeologists, as well as students and individuals interested in ecological and sustainable construction.

The course is organized by the Spanish Cultural Heritage Institute in collaboration with the School of Historical Heritage of Nájera. The registration period is open until September 6, 2024.

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Workshop “Adelos: Fragments of Ancient Buildings, Modern Infrastructure, and Vernacular Knowledge in Markos’ Country House”

This hands-on workshop, organized by Boulouki from October 20 to 26, 2024, explores the relationships between ancient and vernacular material knowledge and sustainable models for future landscapes.

The interdisciplinary team of Boulouki, in collaboration with the Ephorate of Antiquities of the Cyclades and the French School of Athens, is restoring one of the surviving vernacular country houses of Delos, known as the “House” or “Village of Markos.” The restoration will utilize traditional materials and practices, aiming to create a new accommodation space for researchers and professionals.

The deadline for submitting applications is July 31, 2024.

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Hands-on Workshop on Adobe Fabrication and Construction: Application and Finishing with Earth Plasters

The workshop, organized by the Museo de la Cal de Morón, will take place from October 11 to 13, 2024, and will be led by master craftsman Jon Santibañez in Amayuelas de Abajo (Palencia).

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Course on Tadelakt

The course, organized by Homo Faber, will be taught by lime masters Paloma Folache and Nuria Casadevall. It will take place from August 26 to 30 in Mansilla de las Mulas (León).

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– Conferences, seminars and lectures –

7th Iberian Lime Forum

The 7th Iberian Lime Forum will be held in Santiago de Compostela from September 23 to 28, 2024. The event will include a variety of talks and workshops.

You can register for the following workshops: Sgraffito, Scagliola and Whitewashing, Lime in New Construction and Restoration, Introduction to Lime Use, Lime-Hemp Plastering, Marbled Plastering, and Continuous Lime Flooring.

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International Conference on Resilient and Responsible Architecture and Urbanism (RRAU)

The sixth edition of the International Conference on Resilient and Responsible Architecture and Urbanism (RRAU) will be held online from December 8 to 10, 2024. The event is organized in collaboration with IEREK, the German Jordanian University (GJU), and the University of Jordan.

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International Conference “Heritage 2025”

The International Conference HERITAGE2025 on “Earthen and Vernacular Heritage: Restoration, Rehabilitation, and Urban Regeneration” will be held in Valencia from September 10 to 12, 2025.

The conference is organized within the framework of the Earth4Future project, funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation of the Government of Spain, the Re-Habitat project, funded by the Department of Innovation, Universities, Science, and Digital Society of the Generalitat Valenciana, and the ENACT-15mC project, funded by the European Union’s Creative Europe Programme.

Abstract submissions are open until November 15, 2024.

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16th International Symposium on Mudejarism

The Center for Mudejar Studies at the Teruel Institute of Studies has organized the 16th International Symposium on Mudejarism, which will take place in Teruel from October 17 to 19, 2024. The theme for this edition is: “Mudejar and Morisco Landscapes. Territories and Identities.”

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Lecture “Conservation of Palay House and Cultural Regeneration and Adaptive Reuse of Old Phey, Ladakh”

The UNESCO Chair “Earthen architecture, building cultures and sustainable development” has organized a new lecture titled “Conservation of Palay House and Cultural Regeneration and Adaptive Reuse of Old Phey, Ladakh,” presented by Suril Patel and Faiza Kahm (Field Architects) and Abeer Gupta (Achi Association India).

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