This intensive hands-on workshop on the various traditional building arts will feature four of the master craftspeople who have been awarded the Richard H. Driehaus Building Arts Awards in recent years. It will take place during the weekend of July 9-11 at the Centro de Investigación de Arquitectura Tradicional (CIAT) that the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid has set up in Boceguillas, in the northeast of the province of Segovia.

Those interested in attending should send an e-mail to before June 25th. Attendance will be free, thanks to the support of the Richard H. Driehaus Charitable Lead Trust, but each participant will need to arrange and be responsible for his or her own accommodation, meals and transportation. Recommendations will be provided to those interested.

The workshops program will be as follows:
– Lime and plaster workshop, delivered by Luis Prieto, 2019 Richard H. Driehaus Award.
– Wrought iron and leaded fillings workshop, delivered by Santiago Martínez, 2021 Richard H. Driehaus Award.
– Traditional finishings workshop, delivered by Cristina Thió, 2021 Richard H. Driehaus Award.
– Carpentry workshop, delivered by Paco Luis Martos, 2020 Richard H. Driehaus Award.
This course has been organized by INTBAU and CIAT-UPM, thanks to the support of the Richard H. Driehaus Charitable Lead Trust.