Summer Courses 2022
1ST WEEK. From June 20 to 24, 2022
Craftsmanship techniques of color (20 hours) 24 students
Marble stucco (20 hours) 24 students
2ND WEEK. From July 04 to 08, 2022
Basic stonemasonry (40 hours) 12 students
Copper and zinc metallic roofing (40 hours) 10 students
Restoration of upholstered furniture (40 hours) 12 students
3RD WEEK. From July 11 to 15, 2022
Sculptural stone carving (40 hours) 12 students
Basic Jewelry making level I (40 hours) 10 students
Sculpture and miniature modeling 10 students
4TH WEEK. From July 18 to 22, 2022
Basic artistic forging (40 hours) 10 students
Basic Jewelry making level II (40 hours) 10 students
5TH WEEK. July 25 to 29, 2022
Contemporary Artistic Forging level I (40 hours) 10 students
Modeling applied to Jewelry making level I (40 hours) 10 students
Spanish carpentry level I (40 hours) 12 students
6TH WEEK. From August 01 to 05, 2022
Contemporary Artistic Forging level II (40 hours) 10 students
Modeling applied to Jewelry making level II (40 hours) 10 students
Spanish carpentry level II (40 hours) 12 students