Summer Schools organized by INTBAU

INTBAU annually organizes several summer schools and courses on traditional and classical architecture:

Summer Schools in Spain and Portugal

It is held annually in different locations in Spain and Portugal.


Participants in these Summer Schools have the opportunity to study and analyze the traditional building, architecture and urbanism of the area in which they are developed, drawing by hand the streets, buildings and details of the local building culture.

During the last days, improvement proposals for different public spaces in the area are also designed. The aim is not only to document, understand and assimilate the relationship of architecture and urban structure with a landscape and a culture, but also to show that we can continue working today without breaking this link.

This work is complemented by visits to master craftsmen’s workshops and numerous lectures by various local and international professionals and researchers on history, ethnography, architectural and building traditions, and various topics related to the preservation of cultural heritage and local identity.


This school is held annually in different locations in Spain and Portugal and is organized by INTBAU and the Rafael Manzano Prize for New Traditional Architecture, thanks to the support of the Richard H. Driehaus Charitable Lead Trust, through a donation to the Chicago Community Trust for the Richard H. Driehaus Charitable Fund, the Ekaba Foundation, the Fundação Serra Henriques, Alireza and Mina Sagharchi, and the collaboration of various universities and institutions. The Fundación Botín, the Universidad de Navarra, the Universidad del País Vasco, the Universidad de Cantabria, the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, the Universidad de Sevilla, the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, the Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, the Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio, the Pontifical and Royal University of Santo Tomas (Filipinas), the architecture schools of the Judson University, the Benedictine College, the University of Miami and the University of Notre Dame (EEUU), the Escola Superior Gallaecia, the Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), the Universidade do Algarve and the Universidade de Évora (Portugal), the Prince’s Foundation, the Institución Príncipe de Viana, the Centro de Investigación de Arquitectura Tradicional (CIAT), the Real Academia Sevillana de Buenas Letras, the Fundación Medinaceli, Infraestructuras de Portugal, the Consejería de Medio Rural, Pesca y Alimentación del Gobierno de Cantabria, the Câmara Municipal de Marvão, the Junta de Freguesia de Beirã, the Sociedad Aranzadi, the City Councils of Madrid, Valderredible, Baztán y Marvão, have all collaborated in previous years.

More information on previous editions of these schools:

Summer School on Classical Architecture in Engelsberg, Sweden

Engelsberg, Sweden

INTBAU organizes this annual Summer School on Classical Architecture in Engelsberg, Sweden. It is an intensive four-week program in which participants have the opportunity to be introduced to modern classical architecture, thanks to a faculty composed of professionals and academics working in this area. This course combines practical and theoretical training, the development of individual and group work or projects, and attendance to lectures and debates.