The Reconstruction of Cultural Heritage International Seminar

7-8 November 2018 | Salón de Actos (Ground Floor) of the School of Architecture in Madrid (ETSAM)

The International Seminar which is organized annually by INTBAU and the Rafael Manzano Prize will be held at the School of Architecture of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (ETSAM) on November 7 and 8, 2018.

It has been organized by INTBAU and the Rafael Manzano Prize for New Traditional Architecture, thanks to the support of the Richard H. Driehaus Charitable Lead Trust, through a grant from the Chicago Community Foundation for the Richard H. Driehaus Charitable Fund, and the collaboration of the EKABA Foundation, the Fundação Serra Henriques, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, the Escola Superior Gallaecia, the Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio, and the Centro de Investigación de Arquitectura Tradicional (CIAT-UPM), and it celebrates the European Year of Cultural Heritage.

The lectures will be indistinctly in Spanish or English, but we will have simultaneous translation Spanish-English and English-Spanish for all of them.

The registration is COMPULSORY and FREE for all those who wish to receive the program and book of the seminar, as well as the attendance certificate, and can be done by filling in the form at the end of this page or by writing an email to the address:

Seminar Program

7th November

9.00-9.30 Recepción de Asistentes

9.30-10.00 Bienvenida
Fernando Vela Cossío
Javier Cenicacelaya
Alejandro García Hermida


First Session: The Reconstruction of the Architectural Heritage I

10.00-10.30 La Anastylosis de Medina Azahara
Rafael Manzano Martos

10.30-10.50 Debate

10.50-11.10 Disjecta membra: Regeneración del entorno del Convento de la Coria en Trujillo
Aritz Díez Oronoz and Imanol Iparraguirre

11.10-11.30 E pluribus unum. Unidad y Multiplicidad en el Centro Histórico de Jaca
Abelardo Linares del Castillo Valero and Elena Jiménez Sánchez

11.30-11.50 Agua: propuesta de intervención y método proyectual en un conjunto patrimonial de Baza
Estefanía Fernández-Cid Fernández-Viña, Xavier Espinós Bermejo, Lucía Espinós Bermejo, and Rodrigo Toro Sánchez

11.50-12.10 Debate

12.10-12.40 Coffee Break

Second Session: Reconstructing Places

12.40-13.00 The end of hypocrisy: On the reconstruction of the Frankfurt Old Town houses
Leon Krier

13.00-13.20 Beyond Preservation:  Towards an Architecture of Cultural Continuity
Stefanos Polyzoides

13.20-13.40 Traditional architecture, reinforced concrete and geometry
Antonio Maria Braga and Alberto Castro Nunes

13.40-14.00 La Reconstrucción en España después de la Guerra Civil
Fernando Vela Cossío

14.00-14.30 Debate

November 8th


Third Session: Traditional Building Crafts

9.00-9.20 El Taller de Carpintería del Centro de los Oficios de León
Ricardo Cambas and Agustín Castellanos

9.20-9.40 La Cantería en la Restauración
Valeriano Jaurrieta

9.40-10.00 Precious Work: Sustaining Traditional Building Crafts and Cultural Heritage in the United States
Marjorie Hunt

10.00-10.20 Debate

10.20-11.00 Coffee break

Forth Session: The Reconstruction of the Architectural Heritage II

11.00-11.20 The Polish School of Conservation Practice for the Reconstruction of Cultural Heritage
Tomasz Jeleński

11.20-11.40 Restauración de una torre medieval en el Valle de Baztán, Navarra
Leopoldo Gil Cornet

11.40-12.00 El pandemónium de la reconstrucción arquitectónica: Ideología, ortodoxia y sinsentidos en el debate sobre el patrimonio
David Rivera

12.00-12.20 La Reconstrucción de la Ciudad Histórica Documentada
Jesús García Calderón

12.20-12.40 Restoration Work on the Acropolis Monuments
Manolis Korres

12.40-13.00 La reconstrucción del patrimonio histórico inmueble: experiencias y debate
Juan de Dios de la Hoz

13.00-13.40 Debate  

13.40-14.00 Promoting New Traditional Building, Architecture and Urbanism in 2018
Alejandro García Hermida

14.00-14.30 Final conclusions
Carol Wyant
Alejandro García Hermida

Registration Form

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